Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Sea salt from Spain! From a reader! Be jealous!

The dregs from the bushel: time for another orchard run.

Cleaning: it gets worse before it gets better.

He built himself a bed! In a tree!

Tree drops, for…

the piggies, to make them deliciously fat.

Breaking ground: a shelter for her animals.

After a day of work: picking her up.

And her, too.

Topping off the oil.

She’s not sticking her tongue out, so that’s a plus.
This same time, years previous: the big, bad wolf and our children, baking with teachers, candid camera, when the relatives came, thousand island slaw with roast chicken, I’m still here, and retreat.
Around these parts, organic apples are a luxury item. What I won't give. Lucky pigs.
What animals is the new shelter going to house?
Jennifer Jo
Actually, I'm not sure about the shelter! Perhaps just a place for the pigs and sheep to stand when it rains? I'll have to ask her.