the quotidian (7.20.15)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

In their skins: freshly roasted.

On their way to a potluck: monster cookies.

Summertime fast food.

Outside play on a dreary day.

Because all teenagers like to spend a morning alone playing Banagrams.

Brilliant: the trick that keeps Charlotte off the picnic table.

On the hunt.

After the kill: groundhog tug-of-war. 

Making do: there is no AC in the van.

The new driver: Captain Two Hands (and he better keep it that way).
After the rain.

This same time, years previous: this new season, a tale of two children, statements, all partied up, whole wheat zucchini bread, in my kitchen (and barn), shrimp with coconut milk. homemade shampoo and conditioner, zucchini-parmesan frittata, and the sex talk.


  • Mavis

    Only you, would post a picture of a groundhog tug-of-war. Off topic: do you own Scrabble? I just realized I have NEVER played. I was thinking if you have it maybe the kids could teach me the next time I'm in the area.

    • Jennifer Jo

      Just put a yellow border around the photo and title it National Geographic…

      We do not have Scrabble and the kids have never played, but I'm sure they'd love to learn the game right alongside you! I'll make the popcorn.

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