the quotidian (2.2.15)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A much-anticipated Christmas gift.
(Thanks, Mother-in-law!)
Breakfasting with David Copperfield.

Warm and toasty.

Big helps Little: a reading lesson.

Bit by bit, picking it up.

Waiting for me to unlock the door.

Listening to a Fresh Air show on the teen brain.
(Contrary to his expressions, it’s really not an intense show.)
At her stake-out: the hunter.
Winter riding.
Taking advantage of the willing guest.

In the works: chocolate cake.

Very loud and lasting for hours.

Saturday evening deliciousness.

This same time, years previous: stuck buttons and frozen pipes, how we got our house, taco seasoning mix, wheat berry salad, ruminations from the shower, learning to draw, and on moldy beans.


  • Melodie Davis

    The winter rider actually looks like you in that photo. I can see the resemblance more with just her face showing. Also love the monopoly shot: our girls would continue the same game for days, and continue cheating their younger sister out of her money and best deals, for shame.

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