the quotidian (12.1.14)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

For the soup.


Of a morning: books and Legos.
An invasion of books and the subsequent relocation to higher ground.
Paying up.

No one should ever be intimidated by my cooking. 
I’m serious about relaxation. 

This same time, years previous: kale pomegranate salad, monster cookies, red beans, peppermint lip balm, raveled, butternut squash pesto cheesecake, all a-flutter, apple chutney. and a sparkly confession.      


  • Camille

    I enjoy these peeks into your life my friend (thank you for that)…I know you already know this since I've copied you. 😉 Intimidated by your cooking…loved that…haha! Hugs, Camille

  • Starr

    Those hot dogs made me laugh out loud! Reminds me that this week I gave friends trays of cinnamon rolls, and they told me I should sell them they're so good…and then I proceeded to try a new recipe *twice* and messed it up so badly I couldn't eat it.

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