Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

It’s happening!

This is why I have no flowers.

Tempera paints, a board, straws, and an imagination.

Because there’s more than one way to sit in a chair.

Birthday banishment.

The best gift of all.
When I was called down to supper, there was zero trace—ZERO—that the kitchen had just been filled with five hungry people cooking a meal and yelling at each other.
(Well, zero expect for the candle-lit table set for dinner.)
(Well, zero expect for the candle-lit table set for dinner.)

Adding up her work hours.

Fighting with, I mean, FIXING, the car.

This week’s game of choice: it’s like Monkey-in-the-Middle,
but in this version the monkey gets a trampoline.

My children document their disobedience.
This same time, years previous: pointless and chatty, 37, the skirt, chocolate birthday cake, a jiggle on the wild side, ciabatta, stream of consciousness: a list, butterscotch cookies, ballerina daredevils, and peposo.
This is the first post I have read of yours and I'm already hooked. The transparency and humor in your writing are delightful. Precious pictures. Every one of them tells a story. The sleeping kitties in the flower pot really got to me. Thanks for making me smile. 🙂
Jennifer Jo
Welcome, Karen!
Happy Birthday! And…one question…did the dog push that chair up to the counter so she could stand on it? 😉
Mama Pea
Happy, happy belated birthday wishes to you!
(I love the way all of you use quilts and blankies to snuggle up with when reading and/or relaxing. Such a homey, cozy, comfy vision.)
Happy Birthday! What did they make you?
Jennifer Jo
Salad with all the fixings. Lemon cake (from a box—as soon as I cut into it, I knew. It was way too fluffy to be homemade!).
not bad… the birthday cake we had all the time (and I mean ALL) was called lemon-sunshine cake, a lemon box cake doctored up with pudding mix and maybe more lemon juice and a sugary glaze. Quite delicious for adults (though no icing for children is a mild tragedy that I am still getting over) and super-easy. Now that I am mom I can see why it was a pantry staple for my busy mom. Full disclosure – in-laws and husband have had it for their birthday cakes a few times.
That last picture was one I never thought I would see on your blog!