The past weekend, the cousins came. For two full days, the children played without ceasing.

It always strikes me as rather amazing, the children’s ability to take up residence with a pack of rarely-seen family members and completely get along. Electronics is a non-issue. No one (except one of my own, gottaloveit) complains about being bored. There is no “I’m-too-cool-for-this-game” snootiness. Inclusiveness and positive attitudes rule.

It’s not as though our families are exactly alike because we’re not. Like any other family, we have different temperaments, interests, and life styles. And yet, somehow, all our children love being together. What a gift.
Along with my husband’s side of the family (a third of them, anyway) visiting us, my side of the family was also gathered in our neck of the woods. On Saturday I made donuts for everybody—that’s 28 people, total—and some of my family joined the chaos again on Sunday for hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausages. The more the merrier, I say.

Now we are back to our small, quiet (only in comparison) household of six, normal routines, and boatloads of tomatoes to put up. But we’re still feasting on the leftovers. And when those run out, we’ll savor the memories. They’re the best part, I think.
This same time, years previous: the quotidian (9.2.13), the quotidian (9.3.12), caramelized oat topping, roasted peaches, around the house, picture perfect, honey-whole wheat cake, on our way, smartly, and blueberry coffee cake.
I am insanely jealous! My brother doesn't have children (yet), and my own cousins I only see if I visit them–I'm too far for anyone to bother with. Enjoy your leftovers!
Rivki Locker
Cousins are amazing. I am one of six, and each of us has largish families of our own. There's nothing like getting the kids together. Such joy!
Yippeee for family times! Yes, the memories really are the best. But, so are the times that make the memories when they are happening. 🙂
Wow, what a blessing!
Please tell me you've read "The Relatives Came."
Jennifer Jo
You betcha! And here's a post I did in the style of that book: I guess I kinda repeat myself.