Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace


With peanut butter and Biscoff spread.

Mediterranean “taco” salad with avocado dressing: good, but not wow.
(Although, with tweaking, the dressing has promise.)
(Also, I would probably prefer the chickpeas un-roasted.)

My babies left me!

He found some steel wool.

And then I made limeade.

Do you see what is happening here?

Sibling love.
This same time, years previous: blueberry pie, goat cheese whipped cream, drying apricots, red beet greens, and a potential problem.
The kitty is nursing on Charlotte. 🙂
As long as his hair or clothing is not set on fire!
Okay. I totally have to know about the steel wool thing. That is pretty awesome. I. Must. Know.
Also, the kitty thing is adorable. So says my 11 year old.
Jennifer Jo
Just buy steel wool, stick it inside an old whisk with a piece of twine attached to the handle, light it, and swing it wildly around your head. Free fireworks! (I think I learned about this "game" from a photography blog…?)