In these here parts, boobs are for feeding babies and that’s about it. If a kid is hungry, hike up the shirt and let him have at it. Or, if it’s more convenient, simply hoist the breast over and out the top’s neck. Whatevs.
While I was sitting in Central Park the other day, I decided to try for some breastfeeding shots. Once I started looking, I found photo ops everywhere.

I had to squint hard to make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing, since nursing is such a non-event.

The mothers’ body postures and expressions don’t change.

They don’t even break stride.

This woman (purple shirt) was just a couple feet away. Her baby lucked out: milk AND a balloon, what a day!
There was another woman nursing her baby practically in my arm pit, but, ‘cause I was aiming for discretion, that shot didn’t happen.

Later that night when I was poring over my photos, I found I had unintentionally taken yet another breast feeding picture.

Can you find the breast feeding mama? It’s kind of like Where’s Waldo…but better, because it involves happy babies and boobs.
Now I’m tempted to go back and scour all my crowd shots in search of more nursing mamas…
Jenn Bane
I finally found it! It helps to enlarge the picture (just click on it) 🙂
It's so nice to see that breastfeeding is accepted as a normal pratice in other countries. I'm pregnant with #2 and due in Mid-july. I won't be covering up this babies head with a hot cloth. I feel much better about breastfeeding the second time around 🙂
Carol S-B
Love it, too… Where's Waldo indeed!
And- Gnnnn- OK, here you go. I just have to mention:
Jennifer Jo
THANK YOU, you mean ol' (wonderful) schoolmarm you!
I don't see the baby but I see the boobs!
ah, this is heartening. so pragmatic. I truly can't see a nursing baby in the last photo – help!
It requires a leap of faith.
Jennifer Jo
Looking at the colored umbrella in the middle—the headless woman right under it, on the (our) left. She's wearing a white tank top.
Brilliant post! You crack me up each time!
Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig
I think I found it …it's of the "hoist and lift" variety…?!
Jennifer Jo
Yes, lifting OVER the shirt neck.
Suburban Correspondent
Oh, and by baby #5 or #6, I was just yanking the breast out the top sometimes, too. I figured that was less offensive than making people see my belly flab.
Suburban Correspondent
Okay, that was a little difficult, because you can't see the baby's head (HINT!).