Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The diligent student: up at 5:30 to do homework.

Organizing my kitchen: in lieu of cabinet space, a bunch of new baskets.

Lunch for one: flour tortilla, beans, avocado, tomato.


Using up the care package colored chalk all in one glorious, messy go.
(Thank you, Zoe!)
(Thank you, Zoe!)

Curtain-filtered sunlight: I slept in till 6:30 yesterday morning! Such luxury!

A small rug for our bedroom, purchased in Santiago Atitlán.

My study: yet to come, a little bulletin board, shelf, and a couple potted plants.

Fixed: the old washing machine!
(I’ve named it The Santa Maria
because something as miraculous as this
deserves a name.)

Dr. Seuss trees: they’re everywhere!

Boys and a dead snake on a stick.

Boys and firecrackers.

Filling up the pool at The Big House.

Power outage: supper by candlelight.
Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig
Just as I knew you would, you are cozying up your living space. Love the new rug! And can't wait to see your future office space. And those baskets? Very cool… The candlelight and lamplight make your home look so warm and inviting…it's coming along! OH! And the washer?! WOOHOO!!
Melodie Davis
Better than words!
I am just catching up on your last posts.
I have a few questions:
How could you possibly eat store bought tortillas when you have the best homemade tortilla recipe in the world?
What did you do with all the chickens you had? And what about your dog?
What will you do with everything you have acquired when you leave?
Will Mr. Handsome get his old job back? I don't remember you ever saying anything about that.
What food item do you miss the most that you cannot find there?
Observation- Yo Yo man looks so old!
🙂 Mavis
Jennifer Jo
I have a few answers:
1. Tortillas: I have very good reasons. I'll tell you later.
2. The renters wanted the chickens. They're taking care of the dogs.
3. It will get dumped on (er, given to) other MCCers.
4. My husband is self-employed and the guy he works with is on our support team so he's kind of obligated to make sure my husband has work when we get back. (I think.)
5. Food items: I can find most things, but some of them cost a pretty penny. However, there is no half-and-half or decaf coffee! Baking chocolate and chocolate chips are expensive and more difficult to find. I miss dark cocoa. CHEESE! Cornmeal. Coconut oil. OLIVE OIL. Pepperoni. Bulk sausage. Sunflower seeds. Craisins. Whipping cream. Flours, like buckwheat and rye. Therm flo. Tapioca. (Am I overwhelming you? Sorry.)
6. He thinks he's the cat's meow. I think, therefore, that he needs to scrub more toilets.