the girl and her friend

One afternoon, the girl and her friend went out to the barn to play. They were gone for several hours before the mother noticed that it had been quiet for an exceptionally long time. So she went out to investigate.

Even before she reached the barn, she could hear the friend’s voice droning on and on. She followed the sound and discovered the girls nestled down into the passageway between the two barns—outside the new barn and inside the old barn. The friend was reading a chapter book about dragons.

“Is she making you read to her again?” the mother asked the friend.

“It’s okay,” the friend assured her. “It’s a good book.”

And the mother’s heart swelled with gratitude for the sweet friend who never once made the girl feel Less Than simply because she couldn’t read as well.

The end.

This same time, years previous: a July evening


  • Jenn Bane

    That is amazing 🙂 I was never a good reader and "hated" books growing up. Now I'm 27 and I read all the time! Well… as much as my 2 year old will let me 🙂 I wish I had a friend who was carng enought to read to me. Lots to look forward to in raising a well rounded child. I love your blog! Found you through "Mavis'" blog a while back 🙂

  • katiegirl

    Very sweet!

    I just found your blog yesterday after my sister ( told me about it. I spent WAY too much time yesterday reading back all the way until February I think. I couldn't stop reading! I love the way your kids have so much freedom and how creative they are (what a great childhood they are having!), and I love your writing style, and I love that you're so "real".

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