Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Swimming in cucumbers: we have a huge long row and it’s producing something wonderful.
Which is good because we are out of all things pickle.

Garden lushosity, thanks to a rain-filled spring and five huge bales of straw.
(That’s the row of cucumbers running between the beans.)

Birthday interview: she’s eleven!

The chosen feast: raclettes.

Glam and glitz: this is what happens when you give the birthday girl a make-up kit.

She got nail polish, too.

Sick boy update: his symptoms were a little unusual (aching joints and bad headache), so I made like a typical paranoid mom and called the doctor. Even though I downplayed it (“It’s probably just a flu bug—how about I bring him in on Monday?”) they wanted to see him right away. The doc checked him over, ordered blood work for Lyme, and started him on antibiotics.
He’s doing fine now, and I’m a little skeptical that it’s actually Lyme, but we’ll see.
Or maybe not.
As I understand it, a person with Lyme is just as likely to have a negative test result as a positive one. Anyway, it’s good that he adores the taste of pink amoxicillin.
Because he gets to drink three large bottles of it.
He’s doing fine now, and I’m a little skeptical that it’s actually Lyme, but we’ll see.
Or maybe not.
As I understand it, a person with Lyme is just as likely to have a negative test result as a positive one. Anyway, it’s good that he adores the taste of pink amoxicillin.
Because he gets to drink three large bottles of it.

Bedtime stories with Papa: I think he’s reading a book about science experiments. Not exactly my first choice for pleasure reading, but hey, to each his own.

This photographer is doing a book project about trucks and asked to interview my husband. I took lots of pictures of him taking pictures. The kids acted like they had never seen a camera before, so eager were they to slip in front of the lens and grin their heads off.

My older boy is big into flint and sparks.
(He’s also big into knives, thus the bandaged fingers.)

Her little homemade quilt she’s been making: she gave it to her cousin for her first birthday.

I went to the farmer’s market, and even though our tomatoes are starting to ripen,
I couldn’t resist the multicolored beauts.

Also, I caved for corn. I like it roasted, but the kids prefer it boiled. However, the leftover roasted corn was excellent in a rice-beef stir fry (along with leftover grilled zucchini, tomatoes, lime, chipotle butter, poblano pepper, onion, smoked salt, and feta).

Simple pleasures: grilled cheese composed of sourdough, mozzarella,
oven-roasted tomatoes, and fresh basil.
This same time, years previous: zucchini pasta salad, peas with prosciutto, Jeni’s best ever vanilla ice cream, preserving stone fruits, pasta with roasted tomatoes and summer squash, cooked oatmeal, red beet salad with caramelized onions and feta
#1 – You need to post more garden photos! Your rows of cucumbers are gorgeous.
#2 – I just figured out the if you right click on a misspelled word with the mouse, it will give you the correct spelling. Holy Crap!
#3 Happy Birthday Miss BeccaBoo. Nice Quilt!
#4 Is Mr. Handsome wearing boxer shorts in that photo?
#5 Do you normally serve boiled eggs at the table or was that a birthday request?
#6 You look very pretty with y our hair up JJ.
Jennifer Jo
2. I didn't know that!
4. Are you kidding? Like he would let me post a photo of him in his boxers? And anyway, he is not a boxers sort of guy.
5. Actually, raw eggs. To cook at table.
6. Thank you.
Did he get a high fever just after starting the meds?
Just curious. A had one of those brilliant spikes when he started antibiotics for Lyme. Didn't last long but it was a good one. He had the classic bulls eye rash. First case in the county. We were proud.
That grilled cheese… yom yom yom.
Jennifer Jo
24 hours after starting the meds, his fever went up to 103.5—it had been around 101. Then again, I only took his temp a couple times so I don't know if that was an actual spike.
Congrats on your family's new-found fame! Call the papers!
Jennifer Jo
I said that wrong. His temp was high several hours after the first dose of meds. 24 hours later, the fever was finally gone.
Cucumbers and tomatoes already?! Wow – i am waiting, impatiently, for ours to produce. Hopefully in August …
You Can Call Me Jane
Gorgeous photos. Your garden looks amazing, too. So sorry to hear about sick boy. Here's to hoping it's not really Lymes and he gets better right quick.
Kathy ~ Artful Accents
Ticks….HATE them! I just got a bite from a lone star tick when we were in NC last week. Now I'm on edge to see if I develop any symptoms in the next couple of weeks. I hope your little guy feels better soon.