Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Masking tape and brown bag shoes: they’re all the rage, didn’t you know?

Dressed up and nowhere to go…except to the front yard to dance for the passing cars.

Goat cheese, asparagus, red onion, and bacon pizza: I was the only one who liked it.

An ice cream sandwich experiment: I am unimpressed.
(The cookie part isn’t soft enough—actually, it isn’t soft at all, boo hiss.)

In preparation for the family reunion this weekend:
40 jumbo jalapenos, 2-3 pounds of cream cheese, and 2½ pounds of bacon.
(I’m hoping for leftovers.)

Peanut butter cookies: it’s tech week for the older kids’ theater production
and I’m in charge of one of the cast suppers.
(The reunion and play are both this weekend—I’ll consider the week a success
(The reunion and play are both this weekend—I’ll consider the week a success
if my head doesn’t fly off my shoulders.)

Trying to get some respect…

…and getting put in his place, ouch.

Stripping down the table for a redo (five years late, but that’s beside the point).

He got sick of the messy craft table and now I have a new shelf, hallelujah.

Fact: trampolines aren’t just for jumping on.
This same time, years previous: baked beans, shredded wheat bread, rhubarb jam
the domestic fringe
Love those duct tape socks/shoes. My son made a wacky hat today and duct tape was his choice medium. Glad you're getting your table redone and a shelf too. That's a pretty good week.
the kids can't wait to come down. CAN'T WAIT. Albert was trying to figure out a way to get out of his soccer game on Friday night, and Shinay was already trying to figure out how we could stay til Monday. They love your family – – our family. 🙂
Don't the cookies get softer when you freeze them before eating? I would think that the ice cream would help moisten and soften the cookies…
Jennifer Jo
The cookie was a little softer today (and the ice cream was harder), but it still had a bit too much crunch. We'll see what they're like tomorrow…
So excited for those poppers.
The last picture is beautiful.
I am tempted to send your kids a "box of junk" just to see what they can make out of it.
They would not see it as a box of junk, new treasures and I would love to see what they would do with it!
I would have eaten the goat cheese pizza with you! Those poppers look mouth-watering! And, I can't wait to see an 'after' of your table. I have always admired your table whenever I've seen pictures of it on here.
Hello. My name is Meshan.
I always get hungry reading your blog. Good luck with the reunion and play! I'm totally impressed that you're already prepping for them- they're sure to be a success.
I cook as if bacon hallows anything it touches. I think I would have loved that pizza.
I'm glad you mentioned that those ice cream sandwiches didn't work out, I have had them on my mind since she posted them. Any thoughts on tweaking to get the cookie softer?