the quotidian (3.12.12)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

*this makes me want another baby like you wouldn’t believe
*five tries and I finally got it right!
*I do believe I am addicted to this tea: I drink it morning, noon, and night, and always in that blue mug
*sometimes you just have to scale back your expectations and make do
*sick: so far no one else has been stricken, so I’m hoping (fingers crossed, knock on wood) it was just a fluke (updated: another kid is down, darn)
*she tied him up: I guess one dog isn’t enough?
*a friend gifted me this hot pad several years ago and I use it all the time (that’s 100% whole grain cornbread you see in the skillet)
*”I want to learn to do the x-es,” he begged, so I gave him a lesson in multiplication and, much to my surprise, he got it
*Sunday afternoon pile-up
*the chickens have finally started laying and now we’re drowning in eggs (I’m not complaining)

This same time, years previous: authentic German soft pretzels, now, my baby in the hospital, blondies, dunging out, my wizard mom, what I did today, the Auntie Anne’s saga, creamy potato soup with bacon and boiled eggs, meatballs


  • Margo

    is your big girl sewing something in that pile-up photo? I'm interested in her sewing endeavors!

    And that skillet hotpad: I should get/make one of those considering how much I use my skillets.

    • Jennifer Jo

      I think she was just getting ready to fold up her church clothes and put them away. Though there's a chance she was pulling out a lingering gathering thread…

      The skillet hot pad is amazing. It's hard to believe I didn't have one until recently.

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