the quotidian (2.13.12)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

*almost done!—it’s taken much longer than expected, mostly because whenever I have a question, I have to wait till Sunday when I can hound our church’s knitting experts
*the birthday boy’s cake: strawberry
*six years old and he’s as good as grown up!: one of his birthday requests was for a beard for dress-up—I got him both mustaches and a beard, just to be safe
*a temporary sewing set-up: lately, my daughter has been inspired to work on her quilt
*sledding down the stairs in a box: “How are we going to explain this one to the people at the ER if she gets hurt?” my husband wondered out loud while I ran for my camera
*this week’s fort: the fort in the field that got up-cycled to the sledge fort that got up-cycled to a suspended fort (I wonder how long they can keep this up)
*my niece, on the rocks
*fairy houses in the flowerbed
*stories in the sun
*clipping their wings: it was high time, too, as I was about sick of stepping in chicken poo every time I went out to do the laundry
*tick removal: so odd to be finding ticks in the dead (ha) of winter
*in the midst of cooking up a storm
*pure sweetness: a gallon of sun-infused honey
*summer, frozen: that night our supper included corn, broccoli, baked potatoes (both sweet and white), and nectarine crisp
*a dusting

This same time, years previous: to read, when we started to knit, a roundabout compliment, life, interrupted, potato gnocchi, mocha pudding cake, chai-spiced hot chocolate, I don’t like chocolate biscotti, my me-me list, hauling wood, corn and wild rice soup with smoked sausage


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