the quotidian (1.9.12)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

*lunching on leftovers: pork tamale, oven-roasted poblanos, red beans, sour cream, mmm
*bathtime humor
*fun, deconstructed: a tree, a come-along, part of an old tire, a rope, a board, and siblings
*cooking projects galore = dirty dishes galore
*freezing cold weather and snow flurries at the beginning of the week gave way to…
*brilliant blue skies and 60 degree weather at the end: it’s not climate change, folks—it’s climate WHIPLASH
*studying: he’s joined our church’s Bible quizzing team, and is loving it
*posh nosh: have you seen it? A BBC cooking satire, it’s a little on the raunchy side (my kids have seen some of it, though that’s probably not a good thing). Today I took notes. The mussels get “irritated” (scrubbed) and “thrilled” (boiled), and they have “free-range, homeschooled chicken.” They make their own stock, though “by all means, buy stock cubes if you have low self-esteem.” A few more episodes, and I may revamp the way I write recipes. You’ve been warned.
*a new used Bible: at our church, the 12-year-olds are gifted Bibles with a twist—the parents have already had them for several months and have passed them around to family and friends so that they can mark up the pages and jot down their thoughts, words of encouragement, etc. This past weekend, my husband and son went to the 12-year-old overnight retreat. It’s a small affair, just the kids and one parent, plus the pastors—the focus of which is to celebrate and prepare for the upcoming teen years. The Sunday service following, the Bibles are gifted.
*muffins: his breakfast contribution at the retreat
*frying up the leftover pancake batter (fyi, three days in the fridge is too long): but just look at that hair! It’s red! Also, is it wrong for mothers to imitate their daughters’ hairstyles? Because I’m on the verge of doing just that.
*sick girl: the (thankfully mild) bug has been making its rounds
*birthday books: what I bought with my birthday money (and one more thing is yet to come)

This same time, years previous: hog butchering, moving big sticks of wood, baking hash brown potatoes


  • Marie M.

    "Posh Nosh". Love it! How do you find these shows? No TV, right? Do you find them at the library? How do you watch them? DVD player attached to TV? I'd like to recommend "Moonlighting," with Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepard — try the first season, wonderful writing, acting.

  • KTdid

    Dear me dear me, what have you done, I'm posh noshing nosh poshing layered excited and appliqued by this marvelous show!! (Thank you!)

  • Margo

    That's a fab haircut – I envy my daughter's hair, not just the cut.

    I love the Bible idea – we just give Bibles. I'm going to pass your church's idea on.

    I'm curious about The Breakfast Book.

  • Lindsey Brackett

    Love that I'm not the only one who stores pancake batter in the fridge too long, though it works well for Sweet Potato Pancakes. And I bought Simply in Season as my Christmas present to myself. Do you have it?

  • Jennifer Jo

    Vicki, I'm glad you like the Breakfast Book! I'm so overwhelmed with cooking ideas that I need to make a detailed menu plan so I can effectively cram in as much new stuff as possible. It's a fun problem to have. (And yes, I'll let you know what I think about the Cook's Illustrated cookbook. The Amazon reviews were really helpful.)

  • Anonymous

    I love these posts of yours (but then again, I love them all!)

    – That is a way cool thing to do with the 12-year-olds, Bibles and weekend retreat.
    – Love her haircut too – I'd get it in a heartbeat.
    – I got The Breakfast Book because of your recommendation and I love it!
    – PLEASE let us know what you think of the Cooks Illustrated cookbook; The Frugal Girl highly recommends it but do I really. need. another. cookbook?
    – We've had weather whiplash here in PA too; it's been crazy!


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