would you come?

I can hear the drip, drip, drip of the rain outside the partly-opened window. Like a slowly falling bed sheet, a thick cloud has enveloped our valley. The three little, white votives on the kitchen table have all burned out. There’s just one red candle flickering now, but I can’t see it because a basket is blocking it from view. The granola is resting in the now-cool oven. Its sweet oaty smells have long since dissipated in the gloomy air.

I have a bad case of the munchies, but it doesn’t have to do with hunger. Sloggy days like this, I crave the jolt of tongue fireworks. When I woke up at 5:30 (thanks to the over-sized five-year-old who mysteriously materialized in our bed and then thrashed about like a blasted octopus), I could sense it would be one of those days where I’d be tempted to overeat, so I fixed myself a filling breakfast of jacked up oatmeal with chopped apples and walnuts. Happily, it worked, but I’m still feeling dull and mushy.

There is a little flowered vase filled with lavender sitting on my kitchen table. The flowers (with two pink roses that have since given up the ghost) were gifted to me by one of the donut party attenders. I keep staring at it, hoping its delicate prettiness will give me a lift.

Mr. Handsome says I’m suffering from the donut party letdown. He might be right.

Then again, he might be wrong.

What’s the fix for days like these, huh? Hot chocolate? (Maybe.) A jog in the rain? (Blech.) A good cry? (Too much work.) A thick novel? (Already have two going.) Plan another party? (Perhaps.)

I’ve been thinking about another party, actually. The idea has been banging around in my head for quite some time. But it makes me a little nervous. Because I’d be inviting a bunch of people I’ve never met. See, um, oh geez, how do I say this? I’d be inviting, um, well, I’d be inviting …. you.

Wouldn’t it be fun (and quaint and odd—my husband’s adjective of choice—and charming) to have a pie party? You do like pie, right? If I had a pie party, would you come? You’d have to bring a pie, that’s all. And then we’d sit around and chatter about all sorts of things and sample lots of pie and go home stuffed. It’d be rip-roaring fun.

But I worry. I worry that this blog is too small to do something this bold. Julie did it, but she’s a big-time blogger; I’m just a wee little thing. And I’d be mighty sad if no one showed up. In fact, I might be so sad I’d quit blogging all together. Because if no one comes to my pie party, then clearly, no one is reading my wee little blog, right?

So, maybe not? Oh dear, I don’t know! I love pie and I love my readers and I love blogging, but, but …. maybe it’s assuming too much? (Psst, this is where you’re supposed to jump in and pat my back and croon, “Of course I’d come, lovie! I make this kick-butt lemon meringue…”)

Working my way out of the quagmire,
a pie-loving me

This same time, years previous: deprivation, keeping my hands in the toilet, pumpkin-sausage cream sauce


  • Mavis

    JJ… I would come to your pie party. I would make the 5 1/2 flight just to sit down in your kitchen and eat dessert. Just let me know when the party is. The only days I cannot come are Dec.1st,9th or 10th. 🙂

  • Starr

    If you host it, we'll be there. You'd have to chat with us via Skype or email or blog, but we'd be there. I love pie. In fact, your idea is so great, I'm thinking we'll have a few pies at my girls' party in a few weeks. Perhaps chocolate meringue.

  • Christy

    LOVE your new design. (I usually read you in google reader so i don't experience your awesomeness in completion!) I'm in rural East TN, so perhaps your rural Virginia might line up?? I love pie!!!

  • katie

    I would love to meet you, pies or not, and am willing to make the trip across the mountains from WV if the timing happens to work out.

  • Suburban Correspondent

    Are you talking literally or a blog party? Either way, I'd love it. But I really have no idea where you are, besides the state (which must have been mentioned somewhere). Also, I hate making pies – you'd have to settle for some apple crisp instead.

  • Anonymous

    Pie makes everything better…any flavor works. The cross country drive prohibits me from accepting the invitation but if you do have your pie party I'll be there in spirit..love your blog. Robin in SoCal

  • Wendy

    I just attended my first pie party this past Saturday.

    I made a lovely lattice topped raspberry pie with fresh berries from our patch.

    Also made a banana cream from scratch as requested by my son who also attended the party.

    Our hostess served coffee and spiced warm cider. She also had fresh made ice cream to top our pie.

    It was a very enjoyable event especially now that the weather has turned cooler here in Ohio.

    It would be a dream to hob-knob with you and chat over a cup of coffee and a piece of pie! What fun that would be!

  • jennifer

    I've never been to a pie party, but it sounds like just the thing I've been missing! We had a dreary day out here too, in So. Cal…I'm afraid I'm too far to get to you in person, but I may have to make a pie and share it with my own little one who stays with me all day so I can say I've been to a pie party. But really, if the distance was less, I'd be at your party, for sure!!

  • Anonymous

    I would come! I would even bring a gluten free pie crusted pie to share with Susan! I made two this week, apple pie with a cracker crumble crust and topping and a savory one tonight, chicken meat pie with a "normal" crust. My daughter and I loved it! Gluten Free Kitchen is the book I got this crust from. Let me know when the party is … I live close enough to come! (and two is a party right!)

  • dr perfection

    honey pie, you had better find something other than sugar to lift you out of the doldrums, lest when you are postmenopausal you will get quite large.

    is "lest" a word?

  • Anna Ruth

    Oh, pies are my favorite! I'd love to come but I'm a few states away as well. I'm from your neck of the woods, so maybe one day I'll be visiting home when you're having a pie party! Good luck:)

  • Amy

    I adore pie
    I adore your blog, photos, recipes, writing, lifestyle . . .
    I adore you want to mix the two together because the result would be fabulous.

    I don't adore the drive I would have to make to attend 🙁

    Now . . . off to find some pie recipes because know you have my mouth watering!

  • Margo

    OH YES I WOULD COME!!! I've been hinting for an invitation how long?! And I could visit your neighbor C all in one fell swoop! And pies are my favorite dessert. I make very good pies – just took a crust class from your auntie V that gave me some new ideas! My favorite right now is pumpkin, but I make a mean lemon sponge.

  • Jennifer Chappell Deckert

    I have hosted a pie party…all kinds, including savory pies. It was wonderful. Also enchilada, etc….never before donut, though you can bet when we get stateside we will be trying that one too. Good Luck. I am in Colombia, but if you let me know when it was, I would make a pie anyway.

  • Queenie

    I'd come. I'm pretty good at apple-cranberry. Wish I lived somewhere closer to you. . .Could you have a virtual party? Not QUITE as tasty, but could be fun and definitely a day-brightener.

  • Susan

    Lord knows, I'd love to come! Do you know any farm sitters in Upstate NY? Of course, I could only eat pie filling – unless I miraculously came up with an edible gluten-free pie crust (not happening). I think you might be surprised by the response – in a good way. Of course, you could have invited us for your donuts. Just saying….

  • Mama Pea

    I love pie, I love you, I love blogging . . . but you live too darn far away from me for me to make the pie party. It would take me a week to drive you your house. (That's because I would avoid the expressways and freeways and large cities and have to go by all the back roads.) But if I lived closer, you can bet I'd come and bring my Winter Raspberry Crumble Pie. It's good.

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