Mr. Handsome crunched his truck out the driveway and I woke up just enough to register that I had a splitting headache. When I woke up for good a little while later, I lay quite still for a few minutes trying to recall what was on the agenda for this particular Friday. Ah, right. Another blank day. Yeeeesssss.
Next thought, Hm, what do I want to cook today?
And then, Oh dear, how am I going to occupy the kids?
By the time I had dressed, tiptoed downstairs, and started my coffee, a plan was brewing. This day I would be extravagant. I would be generous. I would have fun with my kids.
I informed them of my plan over breakfast (fresh sourdough bread straight from the oven, granola, left over baked oatmeal). First there would be jobs, then an art project (with paint!), then we’d make ten-layer bars, and then a science movie. I was pumped; the kids were agreeable.
After a flurry of sink, toilet, and shower scrubbing, dish washing, and toy picking-upping, we settled down on the kitchen floor with bottles of tempera paints, old newspapers, watercolor paper, and masking tape.
The idea is one of my pinterest finds (if/when you want to join, I’d be honored to send you an invite!), and the kids thought it was super-cool.
Then we made the pan of candy-like bar cookies. (Recipe also from pinterest, but I’d heard about it years ago.)
They’re not my favorite and the kids mostly didn’t like them (which cracks me UP), but we made them together so they served that purpose at least.
While the bars baked, we watched a National Geographic movie about Africa’s Stolen River. Animals died and got eaten and there were too many drawn out setting sun scenes, but it got us through till lunch: cheese and spinach sandwiches, tuna for some, and salad and roasted beets for me.
And thus concludes our Friday morning.
How did you pass this particular June morning?
If I mentioned all I did today ,I'd be tired all over again, houseful as usual,made lots of meals ect. but I am inspired by the painting ,your daughter did,very British looking.
What a fun Mom…to do fun things with your kids!
The paintings look fabulous…love that idea.
We were in Whistler Village and checked out the sliding centre for the 2010 Olympics…it was closed so we could only see it from a distance…but it was still a fun thing to do.
Have a great weekend!
I got up at 6 and went out to the garden to work (mulched, hoed) for an hour before coming in to pack J.'s lunch and get the two little ones their breakfast. Hurriedly got myself ready as well as the children and we rushed out the door to go to garage sales with Mom. Picked Mom up, and checked the list of sales. Only one to go to (and it was lousy)so we headed to Lancaster to do a little shopping. Got home at lunchtime. There was my morning.
(I LOVE the results of the painting! frameable, in my opinion)
Up early worried over my daughter, who yes, did throw up again. Left a worried message (again) for the doctor. Ate eggs, toast, and first tomatoes for breakfast. Black coffee. Threw in a load of pukey wash. Trying to tell husband everything about housekeeping and caring for a sick child. Went out the door without my keys, wallet, and phone. Went back and ran all the way to the bus stop. Took the bus to my job. Called husband twice anxiously. Hospitalization for daughter averted. Concentrated on recipes! Whew.
I made cupcakes… again :0
I got five kids out the door with my husband to Vacation Bible School and heading down the road to pick black raspberries (a gallon), and sour cherries (but I disagree that they are sour) and high tailed it back home to go to Luray Caverns and out to supper. Now, I am on your blog looking for inspiration on what to do with cherries and black raspberries!
L in Elkton
I listened to my son (six years old) work himself into an absolute frenzy because he was starving. Funny that the stomach cramps only hit when it's time to put away clean clothes or go to bed… He was fully recovered when lunch time actually happened. Funny how that works too…
Suburban Correspondent
invite me!
dr perfection
Got up at 6:30, had 3 scrambled eggs (from chickens that scratch–I get them from the trauma surgeon) and two cups of coffee, showered, fed Charlie, watered porch plants, and went to work. Someone brought me a Starbucks skinny latte. Treated patients and taught resident. Had pasta (stuffed shells, tortellini) and salad for lunch.
Mama Pea
Lying on a therapeutic massage table being told (once again) by the lymph therapist that I have thick, slow-moving, lazy lymph. (Whaddaya have to do to get some zing in your lymph??)
You Can Call Me Jane
I made a large batch of Monster cookies for an upcoming cabin trip, Sam listened to The Swiss Family Robinson on tape, Miriam BEGGED repeatedly for one more M&M and Sadie played nicely like a good little girl.