Microwave flower press

Back when we had our family reunion and Cousin Zoe supplied the fixings for an art table, among the mountains of crafty happiness she brought was a little thing called a microwave flower press. Immediately, my oldest daughter was hooked. Every time I turned around, there she was on a stool in front of the microwave smack dab in the middle of my work space, drying flowers to her heart’s content.

After the weekend was over and the flower press had gone home to PA, my daughter announced she wanted to buy one for herself. Unlike her money-burns-a-hole-in-his-pocket brother, this girl rarely hatches any consumeristic schemes, so I let her. I had no doubt it would be a good purchase—it’s a solid piece of equipment so I expect it to last for a good long time. My only regret was that I had already decided to get it for her birthday. (So much for fast and easy birthday shopping. Now I gotta actually think of something brilliant.)

She’s thrilled with her new tool. So far she’s spent most of her time drying flowers just for the heck of it; she hasn’t started to actually make anything with them. She will eventually, though, I’m pretty sure. Zapping flowers just because has got to lose its charm sometime soon, right?

In the meantime, her birthday is coming up and I’m scrounging about for good gift ideas. Suggestions are most welcome!


  • Marie M.

    Princess Grace wrote a book (in 1980ish): My Book of Flowers. Wonderful present for your daughter. It has lots of pressed flower arrangements plus information about flowers. I just checked Amazon.com and they have it new for $114 (good grief) or used starting at $3.07 (7? huh?). Maybe your daughter could send me some pressed flowers to decorate cupcakes or cakes? Or perhaps she could become an Esty seller after making note cards?

  • Mavis

    Smencils… either Colored Smencils or regular Smencils(amazon.com). My daughter LOVED them… Plus if you get her the colored ones and some plain white note cards she could whip up some pretty cool greeting cards.

  • Zoë

    I like Margo's idea of blank cards and envelopes.

    Or perhaps a bunch of small, empty picture frames (yard sales!) to make little arrangements in.

  • Margo

    that's neat-o!
    what about a book identifying wildflowers? or lots of blank cards with matching envelopes so she can make cards with her new pretties?

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