Spray, soup, and everything in between

Thanks for all your sweet suggestions and advice regarding yesterday’s post. You guys are the bestest.

We think we know what caused the eye-popping allergic reaction: wasp spray. As in, the poison that you spray to kill wasps (not poison that wasps spray to kill humans—that’s silly) and then somehow (?!?) get on the tricycle and then the little tyke rides the trike and everything goes downhill from there.

It was the big kids that actually figured it out (and we’re still not for certain—it’s our best guess, though). After yesterday’s allergic reaction (which was very mild and not at all alarming because I knew what it was—knowledge does wonders for fear reduction), the big kids went outside to do some sleuthing and then recalled the Sunday evening wasp-spraying session. I was not a part of the event, unlike the other adult member of the house, and if I was feeling at all underhanded I would say things like, like—well, never mind.


Oops, sorry. That just slipped out.

Anyway, the kids washed the trike and were getting ready to scrub down the porch with the pressure washer but I stopped them because, dude, it’s a pressure washer. I didn’t want to run the risk of anyone getting their eyes blasted out of their head.

Nickel has been fine since then, so I’m hoping it was the spray and not something seasonal, herbal, or animal.

In other news…

*The child who kicks doctors had a FABULOUS dentist appointment yesterday. She sported her sunglasses and nitrous mask with serene aloofness, permitted them to yank her loose tooth, and didn’t even flinch when they jabbed a needle into her gums three different times.

I do believe the kid is growing up, hallelujah.

*Two days after our neighbors’ horse had a baby, they called us up to come see her.

She was fuzzy as a baby chick and skittish.

The kids loved on her so heavy that by the end she was nuzzling them. So sweet.

*We have a new nook.

After relocating the two bookcases (one is leaving the house completely), John moved in a table and chairs, hung a light, and stuck a board on the wall and called it a shelf. I tacked a map to the wall (crookedly, my One True Love informed me), and filled the shelf with art supplies and obscene piles of scrap paper.

The kids love their new spot. Heck, I love their new spot. Now they can be in the same room as me and do their artsy-fartsy stuff without getting all up in my business. I think this is what is called a win-win situation.

*The rest of the house looks like a couple of obsessed-with-getting-rid-of-things people tore through it, piled everything that was on the shelves onto the floors, and then up and left.

Which is pretty much what happened, though we didn’t actually leave.

We’re in the middle of rearranging a couple bedrooms, getting rid of as many books as possible, installing shelves, putting in window screens, and sorting papers. It’s hairy and scary and I can’t wait till we’re done.

*I made soup.

I know now’s not the time to talk about soup what with it being sunny and hot and all (at least in my corner of the world), but seeing as this weather’s been rather crazy, I’m assuming we’ll all get a few more cold snaps before true armpit soaker weather hits.

When that chilly weather whistles at your door, make this. It’ll do you good.

Roasted Carrot and Red Lentil Soup
Adapted from Luisa of The Wednesday Chef

I used about 1/4 teaspoon of chipotle powder and it was too spicy for the kids. If serving it to sensitive palates, adjust accordingly.

1 ½ pounds carrots, peeled
5 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 onion, thinly sliced
1/8 – 1/4 chipotle powder (or cayenne)
1/8 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 cup red lentils, rinsed
4 cups chicken broth

Arrange the carrots on a baking sheet, toss with three tablespoons of the oil and sprinkle with the salt a couple grinds of black pepper. Roast the carrots at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, stirring once. Add the onions slices and roast another 15 minutes. The vegetables should be fork tender and flecked with black.

Once the carrots have cooled a little, chop into bite-sized pieces. Put the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a soup pot, add the vegetables and chipotle powder and paprika and saute for a minute or two. Add the lentils and chicken broth and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer till the lentils are soft, about 25 minutes. Taste to correct seasonings before serving.

This same time, years previous: me and you, and the radishes, the perils of homemade chicken broth, the Monday rambles, creamed asparagus on toast (this is GOOD), sticking my neck out, and shoofly pie


  • Marie M.

    1. The wasp poison sounds like it could be the cause. Whew!
    2. That pony is so cute. Wish he she lived next door.
    3. Nitrous mask. Lovely words.
    4. I just finished writing a book on the wonders of a TV free life over at The Pioneer Woman. OK. It's just a very long comment because I have strong feels on this subject. It's in the Homeschooling section. I know your family doesn't have a TV (hallelujah!) and I applaud your decision. Is this a personal/family decision or a Mennonite injunction? I'm sure there must be a place on this blog where you discuss it. Where?
    5. The person who is up worrying about tornadoes — I'm sending up thoughts and prayers.

  • Suburban Correspondent

    Up late reading blogs because I'm scared to go to sleep while a tornado watch is on. For heaven's sake, you'd think we lived in Kansas! So yes, the weather has been crazy…

  • teekaroo

    And then what do you do with all the artwork? That's my question. I love the artsy-fartsy stuff that keeps my kids busy and quiet, but then they pile 20 soggy pieces of paper on me, all of them made especially for me…
    I want to try that soup. My husband talked me into buying lentils once, sure that when he told me that he had some once with carrots that I could make them just the same,but it was terrible. I'll try this recipe.

  • Misha

    Yum to the soup, love the nook and whew to the hopefully having found the cause. Your outburst made me both have PTSD and laugh. A few of our race to the doctors have been not due to my negligence, also.

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