Here to stay

I have been inspired to do some elving. It’s all because of Amanda, a (what appears to be) mellow mom of four, an unschooler, a knitter, a maker of many things, a savor-er of the mundane. I read her blog and then find myself doing odd things like spending an hour on the phone trying to find a store that sells empty lip balm containers (homemade peppermint lip balm coming right up!), painting twigs with glitter paint, and emailing a friend to see if she’ll give me knitting lessons.

“Elving” is the word that Amanda uses for the festive Christmas preparations. I love that noun turned verb so much that I had to take it for a spin. After just a couple days of elving (and more to come), I’m pleased to report that, even though I’m the opposite of mellow (and then some), it has taken us all for a pleasant ride. Elving is here to stay! Hooray!

So, without further ado, I present to you—dum, dum, da-DUM—The Elving Chronicles!

Bit O’ Magic Number One: Twigs
They got collected and chopped up.

I turned my sticks sparkly and, as soon as I get a glue gun (and add “Martha” to my middle name), I’ll turn them into little stars for the tree.

The kids took a bundle of sticks into the downstairs bedroom and, with the help of elastic ponytail holders and some gauzy-type stuff, built a little house for baby Jesus and fam (who have yet to make their appearance).

Bit O’ Magic Number Two: Citrus
Oranges, lemons, and limes (and today, red and white grapefruit) got sliced and dried.

Miss Beccaboo and I worked together to tie them with ribbons in preparation for their coming out party on the Christmas tree.

Which brings me to…

Bit O’ Magic Number Three: The Tree
We have a tree! Finally, finally, we got around to finding enough gloves and hats so that the whole family could tromp out in the cold at the same time. After a day of standing naked in front of the window (well, except for briefly featuring our household’s entire toy collection…

…including some plastic fried eggs)

it sports its first glittery coat. (Stages, you know.)

Bit O’ Magic Number Four: Candles
I’m a candle freak under normal circumstances, burning my way through up to a dozen votives on the drearier months, but come December, I go all out.

Nothing less than a forest of glimmering brightness will do, with a few cranberries thrown in for good cheer.

What elving is happening in your neck of the woods?

This same time, years previous: a pragmatic man, cranberry-white chocolate cookies, a mutilated finger, and the procedure


  • Kare

    Love the fried egg in the tree – y'all may be on to something there!

    Not much elving to be had here, sadly. I picked up a super demanding job and suddenly have very little domestic life! I want some dried fruit slices on my tree, stat.

    Merry Christmas to you and your adorable yours!

  • Margo

    I like SouleMama's elving too! Although I don't have near the energy or creative ideas that she has. I think it's great you finally got your Christmas on and I'm going to copy your twiggy stars (sometime).
    I'm reading your post while I wait for my photos to upload so I can post on the Christmas activities at our house.

  • Anonymous

    I'm making peppermint patties this year. The last I made them (that I remember) was as favors for our wedding which was 11 years ago! They are really good and it's high time I have some again.


  • Anonymous

    I love making goodies for stocking stuffers. Carmel corn, candies and cookies all get made and bagged for the stockings. I used pine cones (collected a few years ago for a project but never made)as my only Christmas decorations other than the tree. They look pretty on my mantle and on my dry sink and won't be hard to clean up. I am thinking of making lotion again, my husband claimed it was the only stuff that worked on his dry skin.
    L. in Elkton

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