My kids are weird

Last night when I was tucking Miss Beccaboo in for bed, she showed me her newly outfitted Anne of Green Gables doll.

She had altered a Barbie doll dress to fit Little Anne.

She proudly showed me how she hemmed it and how the extra length of dress fabric could be used as a shawl.

This morning I took my camera up to her room to document her seamstress abilities (which already far exceed those of my own). While I was up there, I snapped some pictures of her one-of-a-kind decor. It shows you how her mind works, I think.

Behold! A vandalized night-light house with a Santa atop the roof:

Stickered fish swimming in the Atlantic Ocean:

A bridled porcelain duck:

A plastic spider patrolling the bookshelves:

Someone recently asked me if Miss Beccaboo likes to draw. After thinking about it for a minute, I was mildly surprised to realize the answer was no. A couple days later I found out just how right I was when I happened to ask her to draw something and she burst into tears and loudly expressed her hatred of drawing.

She’s a textile girl all the way, that child is. And she loves her fabric.

Which is too bad for her since I detest sewing as much as she detests drawing. Perhaps it’s time for me to barter some sewing lessons for her.

And then I went into her sister’s room and found this bear staring at me.

My kids are weird.

When I came downstairs from my little photo tour, I found the three youngest playing cards in the bathroom: Miss Beccaboo on the lidded toilet seat, Sweetsie on a kitchen chair, and The Baby Nickel on the floor.

“Why are you playing cards in the bathroom?” I asked.

“Because I had to go to the bathroom,” Miss Beccaboo informed me.

My kids really are weird.

This same time, years previous: the selfish game


  • Aleksandra

    No, they're not weird. They just haven't been uniformised yet, thank god.
    It's so sad that average is what we consider normal.
    And I envy Miss Beccaboo that she's not forced to spend fruitless frustrating hours in front of a piece of paper at school like I had been. That is, provided you don't force her. (Please don't! We, the manual or fabric people if you please, are clearly so bad with the two-dimensional paper+pencil reality.)

  • Sarah

    Yep. They're weird! And so, so much like mine. I love their creativity! I wish our kids could get together again soon. We miss you guys.

  • teekaroo

    Too funny! I've stopped asking why my kids do the things they do. They just look at me like I'm an idiot for not knowing already.

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