I’ll give you this

I’m all foggy-headed and blah-yuck today. This past weekend our church had its annual retreat and it about did me in. Retreats are NOT relaxing. Can I get an amen?

I did, however, enjoy my time in spite of myself. (Except for Sunday. On Sunday everyone and everything fell apart at the seams.) Each year the kids are one year older (imagine!) and just that much more independent. This was the first year that I went to all the sessions (that I wanted to) and indulged in leisurely conversations.

That was nice.

I’m not really in the mood to write (depressingly enough, this is often the norm nowadays), but I’m popping in because PW told me to.

So instead of blabbing on and on about all my trials and tribulations, I’ll simply give you this:

It’s what I made with the lemon butter that was leftover from that swoony supper we had last week—skillet-blackened zucchini tossed with lemon butter, pasta, and Parmesan cheese. It’s not really a recipe, but I’ll pretend it is.

Lemon Butter Pasta with Zucchini

This dish is quite versatile. You can replace the zucchini with steamed broccoli, asparagus spears, or green peas, add in some meat (chicken or fish would be nice), play around with the cheese (feta, anyone?), use various types of pasta (or maybe even a grain). Whatever you do, don’t nix the lemon butter. It’s key, and it rocks.

1-2 cups leftover cooked pasta
1 small-medium zucchini, quartered lengthwise and then sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
2-4 tablespoons lemon butter
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan

Put the olive oil and butter (not the lemon butter) into a skillet set over medium-high heat. When it sizzles, add the sliced zucchini. Toss the zucchini around to coat it with the grease, and then let it rest a couple minutes to allow the bottom side to get nicely blistered. Toss a bit more till fork-tender (but not soggy) and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper. Add the pasta and toss to coat. Add the lemon butter and toss again. Sprinkle with the cheese and serve.

This same time, years previous: hot chocolate, brown rice, white rice, and Indian chicken, pear-red raspberry coffee cake, family pictures


  • Sarah

    Hey Jennifer, Hope you feel better soon. I just read the comments about the library. Fortunately our library sends out an email BEFORE things are overdue so we have time to locate and return them. I'm going to school for my MAT – to teach a bilingual class or ESL. This summer I had a very intense math class – a year's worth of math crammed into 9 weeks.

  • Jennifer Jo

    Just learned that if you have a fine over 5 dollars, you can't renew your books. A new policy, apparently, one that left me high and dry. (And dropping a check in the book slot after hours.)

    It's just that our library operates in such a punitive fashion. I wish they would put a note by our name that reads: They rack up huge fines, but they're faithful patrons—CAN BE TRUSTED.

  • Kris

    Whatever did the gift horse do to you?

    (When your face-to-face friends don't twitter, they have to ask questions in the comments section, or by phone…)

  • Kris

    How about peppers? Then you could say "Penne Pasta with Peppers and Parmesan". THAT'S awfully tasty with garlic, white pepper and smoked salt. Could add the lemon butter, but olive oil is just fine too. Very yum with hot Italian sausage as well.

    Was this your first eye-spot migraine? I have a few migraine remedies if you want any ideas.

  • Jennifer Jo

    Mavis, That sounds soooo wonderful.

    Though I'd prefer to be in MY room with the kids gone and a handful of energetic maidservants tripping about downstairs, whipping my grungy house into tip-top shape.

  • Anonymous

    "I’m not really in the mood to write"… pretty much sums it up for me too.

    You know how in the movie Forest Gump…towards the end when Jenny comes back to Forest…and she sleeps for a realllllly long time… that's how I feel lately. I want to walk into someones house…and take a very long nap. I want to be served breakfast/lunch and dinner in bed. I want a silent room to sit in and read. No phone, no t.v. no sounds what so ever…


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