Simple Bites: In the pits

I’m over at Simple Bites today, talking about peaches and other stone fruits.

I ordered four bushels of peaches this year, and two of nectarines. I’m always a little worried ahead of time, daunted by all the work I’m getting myself into. Then when the peaches show up, I get busy, and then when it’s all said and done, I’m just plain relieved and happy. It’s my annual peach ritual.

Come to think of it, it’s my summer ritual, too.

In honor of the peach, and a couple of her pit-y sisters, here are some recipes to make them shine.

Apricots: Apricot Pandowdy, Apricot Honey Almond Cake, Preserving (drying and canning)

Cherries: Roasted Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate, Sour Cherry Crostatas, Three Reds Fruit Crumble

Peaches: Canning, Peaches and Cream Ice Cream, Peach Tart


  • Anonymous

    I want to comment on you previous posts, the peas and prosciutto ham, but my computer is blocking the comments, I guess because gamble is in the title. lol

    What I was going to write was it looks so good I might eat the computer screen.

  • Jennifer Jo

    I leave the skins on when I can nectarines and it works fine. However, keep in mind that, like apricots, the nectarines don't stay as firm as peaches do, so be gentle when processing (ie. not too long).

  • You Can Call Me Jane

    Great post over there! How fun:-)!

    By the way, a friend cans nectarines by leaving the skin on- she says it works beautifully. I'm thinking I'm going to give it a try. Have you ever tried this?

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