A logical progression

When I made smoky fried chickpeas, I didn’t even come close to using the entire bag, so I followed Deb’s suggestion and cooked up some spinach to go with them. It was a smart idea.

Here’s my advice to you:

Do you still have some lumps of spinach taking up space in your freezer? Haul it out right this very minute and set it on the counter to thaw!

No spinach on the premises? Buy some spinach seeds and plant them ASAP!

No space for a garden? Head to your local farmer’s market and buy yourself a hefty sack of green!

And here’s some more advice, un-spinach related and free of charge to boot:

Kids whining when you give them work? Give them more work!

Tired of washing clothes? Don’t wear any!

Sick of seeing your progeny planted in front of the TV for hours on end? Haul the box out to the back yard, hand them some baseball bats, and let them show you what kind of damage they can do!

Your electric bill is too high? Don’t turn on the lights!

Husband left his dirty clothes on the floor by the bed? Toss them out the window!

Any other problems, vegetal (ha! no pun initially intended) or familial? Send them my way and I’ll solve them for you. I’m going through a logical phase.

Back to the spinach and chickpeas. Make this dish, okay? It’s nourishing and satisfying, not to mention tasty as all get out.

My mother ate hers with a dollop of yogurt on top, and I’ve been eating it that way ever since.

It’s the logical thing to do.

Chickpeas with Spinach
Adapted from Deb at Smitten Kitchen

This dish can be eaten many different ways: atop buttered toast, as a side dish with a scoop of plain yogurt, or, when topped with a runny fried egg (don’t turn up your nose! it’s good!), as a main dish.

6 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup bread crumbs (or one thick slice of bread, crumbled)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 10-ounce package frozen spinach, drained (or one pound fresh, rinsed)
½ teaspoon cumin
½ pound dried chickpeas, cooked and drained (or two 15-ounce cans)
3/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
½ cup tomato sauce
½ cup oven-roasted tomatoes, chopped, optional
dash of smoked salt
½ – 1 teaspoon salt
pinch of red pepper flakes
black pepper
1 ½ tablespoons red wine vinegar
lemon wedges

Saute the bread crumbs in three tablespoons of olive oil. Once the bread starts to brown, add the garlic and cumin and continue to saute till the garlic is brown. Transfer the garlicky crumbs to the blender, add the vinegar, and briefly whirl.

Put the remaining three tablespoons of olive oil in the skillet and saute the spinach. After the spinach has wilted (or just heated through, if using frozen), add the remaining ingredients (including the toasted bread crumbs), except for the lemon. Heat through, adding more tomato sauce (or some water) if you’d like it to be a little less thick. Taste to correct seasonings (you may want to let it sit for a couple hours to give the flavors time to meld), and serve hot, with lemon wedges.

About one year ago: Spinach-Cheese Crepes.


  • Jess

    I will forever be grateful to you for this recipe – I make this at least once a month. Because it’s my go-to when I need something quick and easy, I mix with a fork instead of blending. Less to clean!

  • beth

    I made the spicy chickpeas yesterday and loved them! I know I'll love this one too! Thanks for all your cooking inspiration! I love it.

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