I’m here! I’m back! Did you miss me?
Our internet connection was out due to one humdinger of a gorgeous snowstorm. It was rough, I tell you—three-and-a-half days without blogs, email, twitter, grooveshark, and my recipe index.
I feel I’ve lost touch with the rest of the world when my internet connection falters. I guess that just goes to show how distorted my concept of reality is.
Oh well, the little antennae thingy that got snowballed up on yonder mountain has been un-snowballed (I threatened [only to Mr. Handsome, not to Zeke, the internet guru] to hike to the top of the mountain and fix the thing myself, that’s how frustrated I’ve been), and here I am. And here YOU are. I missed you, my bloggy friends.
More on The Storm and Life In General soon.
One Comment
Mama Pea
Land's sake, you folks near the East Coast really got socked, didn't you? And here we are up near the frozen tundra and have a mere 4" on the ground. Go figure.
Glad you're back in business . . . I thought you just got run over by a reindeer.