Ballerina Daredevils

This post is for those of you who wanted to see The Baby Nickel simultaneously expressing his feminine side and daredevil prowess. (I don’t tend to think of jumping off tables as a daredevil stunt, but other people believe differently. Or so I’ve been told.)

A couple times a day, Sweetsie and Nickel will be struck with an inexplicable urge to don the ballerina get-up and squirrel themselves away in the downstairs bedroom (that is really not a bedroom) where they blast Wee-Sing Bible songs on a broken tape deck while they jump off the furniture.

These pictures were taken over the course of two days. While looking at these photos, if you want to get the full effect, sing Rejoice In The Lord Always at the top of your lungs, while periodically stomping the floor with your foot. Then you’ll know what it sounds like around here.

First, from the table to the futon.

Second, jumping in the other direction, from the table to the floor. The soft landing wasn’t challenging enough, I guess. (Hanging upside down under the table is another stunt.)

Now The Baby Nickel is breaking out the pink.

Look at him go!

What a guy, my little heart throb.


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