i’m back…and i’m not sure it’s the culinary kind or oregano. are the flowers green and pink? if so, it’s just for pretty, i mean, i doubt it will hurt you but it’s just not the best flavor.
No, I can’t get any closer. I mean, I can, but it gets too fuzzy. And it’s smell? Um, let me go check.
Alright, I’m back. I’m sniffing it and it smells sharp and good, but not sweet, somewhat grassy… that’s about all I can figure out. I’m not too good with smells. Sorry.
yeah, it’s quite edible. I checked with my grandma (Ann) today and she said it’s quite tasty…so go for it 🙂
You Can Call Me Jane
It looks exactly like my oregano, but I’m not sure what specific kind it is. We eat it:-).
i’m back…and i’m not sure it’s the culinary kind or oregano. are the flowers green and pink? if so, it’s just for pretty, i mean, i doubt it will hurt you but it’s just not the best flavor.
looks like oregano to me, at least from that shot.
Jennifer Jo
No, I can’t get any closer. I mean, I can, but it gets too fuzzy. And it’s smell? Um, let me go check.
Alright, I’m back. I’m sniffing it and it smells sharp and good, but not sweet, somewhat grassy… that’s about all I can figure out. I’m not too good with smells. Sorry.
Can you get a little closer with the camera? What does it smell like?