Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

All the pretty things.

Conquering mozzarella (for the third time).

He did his job (we think) so we sent him home.

Oh, the weather outside!


Christmas Eve.

O holly bush, O holly bush.

The elves came.

Christmas calzones: eaten standing up around the island (because we’re fancy like that).

Calzone delivery and an ER tour. (He wasn’t lying! He’s actually a nurse!)

Shady selfie.

Darkness and light.
This same time, years previous: wedding weekend: the celebration, a Christmas spectacle, right now, balsamic-glazed roasted butternut squash and brussel sprouts, 2016 garden stats and notes, cheese ball, hot buttered rolls, dancing mice and other Christmas tales.
One Comment
Becky R.
Oh, the wood! It makes me warmer just looking at that incredible wood shed (although I wouldn’t want to have to stack all of it!). Your Holly tree looks great. That was a very good idea, Jennifer. I am sure the ER staff appreciated the calzones so very much. Kudos to you for providing them. When I was working as a nurse, free food was the very best treat anyone gave us. It provides warmth to the belly and the heart on a busy day.