For awhile there, my younger daughter was obsessed with getting ducks. We discouraged that idea, though, since we don’t have any water on the property. So then she switched her focus to chickens. She wanted a variety of breeds because her goal, she said, was to have multi-colored cartons of eggs. That plan, we said, was a little more doable.
Over the last number of months, she’s been buying assorted kinds of baby chicks and then raising them — first in a cage in the barn and then, once they’re big enough, she transitions them out to the coop.

She’d fixed up the coop, shoveling out the poop, putting down a bed of shavings, making a new ramp, rigging up a little drop-down door on a pulley. Each morning when my husband goes down to milk, he opens the door, and each evening she closes it.

Aside from my husband letting them out in the morning, all the chicken care is my daughter’s responsibility. She buys the feed and collects the eggs, and she’s religious about tending them. She has 18 hens right now, and just a couple weeks ago, she came home with five more chicks, Rhode Island Reds this time. They’re supposed to lay large brown eggs.

I don’t much like chickens, and I can’t say I understand her fascination with them, but I gotta admit: some of these birds are downright lovely. The colors and patterns are picture-book worthy.

The eggs, when they started rolling in, were eensy small, but now they’re more closer to more regular sized. (Just this morning my husband found one in the sink in the milking shed, plugging up the drain.) Currently, she gets about 13 a day, but the number is rising steadily. The deal is that we pay full price for the eggs but we also get dibs on them, since we’re providing her with the hen house, fencing, and land. As long as she makes sure we’re stocked, she’s free to sell them to whoever. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

For both of us.
P.S. Did you know that my mother wrote a children’s book about chickens? It’s about my brother and his flock of chickens back when we were living in West Virginia. The illustrations are so playful, and in the story, I’m “the girl” — check it out!
This same time, years previous: a kitchen tour, a bakery shift, the quotidian (9.23.19), a day in the life, stop and sink, test your movies!, simple roast chicken.
Your daughter is striking a pose in which she looks very much like her mom, which I never particularly thought about before. I would call it her Mom Pose. (The last photo in this post.)
Those are spectacular eggs! I have a flock of 14 chickens of various breeds, and they are a pleasure to have around. If she doesn’t have one yet, tell her to get some Speckled Sussex hens. They are beautiful!
Laurie Lasala-Tuttle
Your mom’s book looks cute, and since I have chickens & I love children’s books, I ordered it! Does your daughter buy new egg cartons to sell & deliver her eggs? I haven’t yet sold my eggs, and deliver eggs to friends in bowls that they transfer to their cartons.
Jennifer Jo
We just reused our cartons, and people sometimes save theirs and return them.