Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The boy eats.

Extras from the bakery: bag of gold. Which I used to make….

Baked French toast studded with jammy blueberries for our V-Day breakfast.

Look what I found! At the local grocery! For three-something!

Care package for the far-away wean.
(“Wean,” thanks to my current Scottish read.)

And quiche Lorraine for the boy and his mates.

Wind break.

He loved this.

Behind the sofa: impeachment.

Choir auditions.

Studying for a pediatrics exam and lecturing me about the dental hygiene of infants.

Big-ass snowman.

Sorry-ass snowman.

Change of scenary (and some sunshine!): lunch and reading at the GP’s.

Because the rest of the time, it’s this.
This same time, years previous: kitchen sink cookies, the quotidian (2.13.17), the quotidian (2.15.16), it gets better, chocolate pudding, how we do things, sweet, the outrageous incident of the Sunday boots.
The baked French toast (I did a half recipe) was utterly delicious. Popped some random blackberries in there and we all swooned over dinner. Thanks.
Jennifer Jo
Yes! It’s so simple, uses up bread scraps, and makes you feel lucky to be alive. Good stuff!
Liz Lockhart
Wean or Wain, from Wee un or little one. Often used in the plural too as in ‘the wains are in the yard’. Or as another author wrote ‘A wain in a manger’…
Wondering about that can of green beans in the care package!
Jennifer Jo
A mother’s desperate attempt to get her daughter to eat more veggies, that’s what that can of green beans is.