the quotidian (8.12.19)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Cherry tomatoes: caramelized and candied.

Just for her: she was craving meat so she fried up some minute steaks and ate them all. 
Fresh tomato tart: promising, but needs a little more work. 
So happy to be done with this job.

Just peachy. 

Crawling out of my skin” illustrated. 
Because if a boy has a car, then he’s gotta have the tunes to go with.

This same time, years previous: Mondays, fresh peach pie, tomato bread pudding with caramelized onions and sausage, the Murch Collision of 2015, the quotidian (8.11.14), best banana bread, grilled trout with bacon.

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