the quotidian (5.14.18)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Don’t look here for fancy. 
Silly supper.

A Costco find: I’ve been looking for these for years!

Kitchen table desk: until the Ikea one comes in. 
Kindles are nice, but I miss real books.

Combating boredom: for certain children, the struggle is real.

Tool or toy?
Folding station.

A necessary installation.

Painfully loud.

My first San Juan-to-Ponce trip: We didn’t get lost once!

The ever-expanding fleet, oo-la-lah.
Our corner.

This same time, years previous: surprise!, tomato coconut soup, on getting a teen out of bed, the quotidian (5.12.14), happy weekending, maseca cornbread, getting ready.


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