Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Don’t look here for fancy.

Silly supper.

A Costco find: I’ve been looking for these for years!


Kitchen table desk: until the Ikea one comes in.

Kindles are nice, but I miss real books.

Combating boredom: for certain children, the struggle is real.

Tool or toy?

Folding station.

A necessary installation.

Painfully loud.

My first San Juan-to-Ponce trip: We didn’t get lost once!

The ever-expanding fleet, oo-la-lah.

Our corner.
This same time, years previous: surprise!, tomato coconut soup, on getting a teen out of bed, the quotidian (5.12.14), happy weekending, maseca cornbread, getting ready.
There is nothing quotidian about this post, except that it is, in its own way. Thanks for taking us along on this extended work trip.
The bites photo could very well be my cousin Peggy, circa 1983 at the beach.