For Thanksgiving, we once again shlepped our way down to Tennessee, this year with Alice, aka the best traveling dog in the world, in tow. There were coffee and donuts each way because survival.

Once in Tennessee, highlights included:
*Eating, duh…

*The annual Turkey Trot (in which this mama kicked one eighteen-year-old son’s butt, take THAT, Youth).
*Thrift store shopping.
*Constant Kitchen Clean-Up…

*The always-open hot chocolate bar…

*Reading (I finished this book and then, on the way home, I read this one — so good — from start to finish).
*Over-priced candy buying…

*Soccer games on the turf field.
*The new Spiderman movie and popcorn in the living room: a couple people insisted on turning on the subtitles but so great was the outcry that a vote was called for and they, the subtitles, were mercifully (now you know how I voted) removed.
*A hike to Point Park…

*Dancing to this song, which ended up being the weekend’s soundtrack (to get the full effect, blast it) via Alexa…

*Towel snapping wars…

*Nyquil shots
*Arm wrestling paired with Shakespearean insults…

And then, when everyone was sufficiently stuffed to the gills with family, food, and frolicking — the Holy Thanksgiving Trinity — we loaded up the van and drove home, the end.
This same time, years previous: Chattanooga Thanksgiving of 2016, curried Jamaican butternut soup, Chattanooga Thanksgiving of 2015, apple crumb pie, in my kitchen: 7:35 a.m., a treat, how to use up Thanksgiving leftovers in 10 easy steps, monster cookies, peppermint lip balm.
Would like info on how to create the cranberry sauce in the orange peels please.
Jennifer Jo
I didn't play a part in this dish (aside from blending up the not-needed orange innards with vodka for a VERY fibrousy cocktail), but I think it was just hollowed out oranges filled with canned cranberry sauce.
Suburban Correspondent
So many people – how wonderful!
We had a fun old fashioned Griswold family Thanksgiving in which our 29 and 37 yr old sons burned a debris pile at the back of our property and caught a huge oak tree on fire. They finally put it out before we had to call the fire dept. Big boys will still be boys.
I'm swooning over that kitchen with TWO work stations…