This year we celebrated Thanksgiving in Chattanooga at my husband’s sister’s family’s house.

My husband’s brother’s family from Upstate New York also made the (grueling) trip down. So we were three families, eighteen people in all.

Our hosts knocked themselves out making us comfortable. They gave up all their bedrooms, and each family got their own bathroom. There was a hot beverage bar complete with hot chocolate mix, mini marshmallows, flavored creamers, and a steady supply of candy canes. All mugs, wine glasses, and regular drinking glasses were labeled with each person’s name. The whole setup was the epitome of thoughtfulness and efficiency.

Other things that happened: multiple sessions of Take One, a speaker phone conversation with The Grands, a simultaneous skype session with the West Coast and Hong Kong families, front-yard sports, movies, card games, and lots of eating, cooking, and cleaning up.

Saturday morning on our way out of town, our family stopped at Krispy Kreme to goggle at the production line, sip the free mocha shots, and order a bunch of donuts for the trip back. Four hundred and seventy-five miles, multiple bathroom stops, and a bunch of hamburgers later, and we were home.

The end.
This same time, years previous: in my kitchen: 7:35 a.m., the day before, the quotidian (11.25.13), a treat, kale pomegranate salad, Thanksgiving of 2012, monster cookies, pot of red beans, Thanksgiving of 2011, peppermint lip balm, butternut squash pesto cheesecake, Thanksgiving of 2010, and apple chutney.
Melissa @ thelittlegrayhouse
Oh my stars! They live right up the same street as the parents of one of my high school friends!!!! (The Moneys) Such a crazy small world! I rarely comment but ive read your blog for years now. I went to high school in that neighborhood when Tennessee Temple was still open. Sadly it is closed now. Their house is beautiful, I always admire it when in leave my friends parents house after a visit. (Obviously you don't have to publish this comment.) Hope you had a blast while in Chattanooga!
Wow, Melissa. Small world indeed. Stop by and say hello anytime you see us outside.
Since we're asking questions 🙂 – how were the names put on the wine glasses?
I used the P Touch label maker by Brother for the labels. We put them on our mugs, wine glasses and plastic cups. I ran all everything through the dishwasher a few times while company was here and was pleasantly surprised that almost all the labels stayed in place through multiple washings.
Thank you so much – I'll have to look for one of those!
The paint color question. Wow. Isn't the internet awesome?!
The paint color is Copen Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Kathy ~ Artful Accents
Thank you so much!
Kathy ~ Artful Accents
Sooo, I have a paint color question. 🙂 Maybe your sister-in-law is reading this comment and can help me out. I love the color of the blue wall in the picture where the cousins are sitting on the floor and playing a card game (4th pic from the bottom). Any chance you could tell me what that color is? It's a perfect shade of blue! Thank you!