Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Tahini shortbread.

Not quite ripe enough.

I tried to hide dry pulled pork in a meatloaf. It fooled no one, but still, it went down a lot easier.

For a curry.

Spotted on a friend’s Facebook post.

Steamy clean.

Chomper‘s new home. (He’s the black blob in the bottom right corner.)


Moldy wood, deeply discounted: she wants a barn.
This same time, years previous: outside eating, calf wrangling, what writing a book is like, retreating, the good things that happen, ketchup, two ways, blasted cake, grilled salmon with lemon butter, hot chocolate.
hi jennifer! hope you are well. i wanted to say thank you for posting the picture of the place mats – i sent some to my mom as a thank you gift after a recent visit and she LOVES them. saludos desde guatemala 🙂 i always enjoy updates!
Jennifer Jo
Hey Adriana! It's great to hear from you, and I love hearing the chain of events around the placemats—so neat! I hope you are well… xo!
Carol Clevenger
What is your recipe for Tahini shortbread. I have a LOT of tahini and no good recipes. Thanks.
Jennifer Jo
I found the recipe in a Bon Appetit magazine while waiting in a doctor's office. Here's the link:
I was just checking this evening on how to know when concords are ripe. One tip was to look for stems that are light to medium brown. Dark to black would be overripe. I'm thinking ours have another 2 weeks or so.
Jennifer Jo
I did not know this—thank you for sharing! (So yeah, those grapes obviously weren't ripe.)
Mama Pea
Maybe try putting your dry pulled pork in a b-b-q sauce? Yummy sandwiches!
Jennifer Jo
Cardboard covered with BBQ sauce is still cardboard… But about the sandwiches: leftover meatloaf, sliced thin, with sharp cheddar, mayo, grainy mustard, and piles of sweet pickles—-DELICIOUS.
farm buddy
How IS Chomper doing?
Jennifer Jo
Seems to be doing just great! We haven't seen him eat yet. My son keeps putting out little slivers of raw liver, but maybe he's just not hungry? He still has a little bit of his yolk sac left….