Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Kitchen play: heidesand (my favorite), pfeffernüsse, and basler leckerli.

A pan full of virtue.

Sunday’s lunch leftovers.

Big splurge: EVERYTHING almond

Supervising (illegally) the making of the peanut butter cream pie.

On the water bucket: just chillin’.

Ice water.

Morning wacky.

Tucked under the couch: the remains of that night.

A study in different body temps, plus, joint biology homework.

Someone enjoys shaving cream a little too much.

Winding it up.

He can do better, promise.
This same time, years previous: Italian wedding soup, okonomiyaki!, in my kitchen (sort of): 4:14 p.m., stuffing, iced, pimento cheese spread, the quotidian (12.12.11), peanut butter cookies, Ree’s monkey bread, and cashew brittle.
I guess I thought maybe you were Irish or Scots with all the red haired. Well, they look red in the blog pictures. We're German Swiss, yes.
Jennifer Jo
Oh, I was just thinking about MY heritage, ha. My husband (with the middle name of Driscoll) is part Irish. So there's that…
We make leckerli also. Are you Swiss? In fact last Thurs afternoon my youngest daughter and I did the chopping and grinding for all the upcoming cookies. We ground almonds, chopped almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans, chopped the citron and candied peels into smaller pieces, zested and juiced oranges and lemons. Dry ingredients for each recipe were measured out into baggies and labeled. We mixed up three of the doughs that needed to chill and put in refrigerator. We put the right amount of butter sticks out on the counter, pulled out the jellies and jams needed for fillings. Signs on all DO NOT USE. Friday, my day off work, my mother, oldest and youngest girl and I baked all day. Saturday evening my youngest and I frosted cut outs and filled and assembled Linzer cookies. All done. Time to enjoy them.
Jennifer Jo
Whoa, that is quite the operation! (I'm Swiss-German but the leckerli recipe is a cookbook find, not from my family.)