*a walk around the property in the gloaming in which my daughter introduces me to one of their woodsy hideaways
*this favorite dress-up gown gets some pretty heavy usage
*look at me, look at me, look at me go! I’m a five needle knitter now!
*constructing a fort
*inside the fort
*baby sweetness: we took care of her for about 8 hours one day and when I woke up the next morning, my first coherent thought was: I miss her.
*the only drawback to having a baby in the house: EVERYONE WANTS TO HOLD HER ALL THE TIME, so at bedtime I sneak her up to my room where I get to have her all to myself.
*cousins: pouring over a book of cartoons
*a growth spurt: I bought him these sweat pants last fall
*the warmest spot in the house, these chilly winter mornings. (The sleepwalking saga continues. Saturday night, my husband and I were watching a movie on the couch when she started coming down the stairs. My husband hurried to intercept her—didn’t want her to get a good gander at our movie and popcorn and start the no-fair wail—but her eyes grew round as saucers and stared blankly, she started breathing fast, almost a shallow gasping, and her body went rigid. It was straight out of a horror movie—a zombie entering our midst. Freaked us both out, it did.)
*mini peppermint whoopie pies: her choice of Christmas cookies (they may be my favorite—it’s this recipe, but with about 2 cups of Andes Peppermint Crunch baking chips added to the icing)
*rooftop bottoms: our solar panels are up! (And soon to be functioning.)
*kitchen windows at night
This same time, years previous: Sunday Vignettes: Human Anatomy, cashew brittle
Jennifer Jo
Beth, Thanks! I use a Canon Rebel XS and love it to pieces.
Beth Brubaker
You always have such awesome pictures! What kind of camera do you have? I have a little digital point and shoot that I love, and I was just wondering if you used a digital or a more professional model. 🙂
God Bless!
I have not seen it yet either. I feel a breakdown coming on and I may just spend the entire day in bed and watch it and about 8 other movies I'd like to see.
You Can Call Me Jane
Solar panels. I want to hear more about those. Would HH write a guest post for my husband to read? Or, I guess they could just call each other, huh?
Some heart-rending photography here.
dr perfection
I guess a woman is an adult…
dr perfection
I read about an adult woman who would sleepwalk to her refrigerator during the night. She gained lots of weight.
Jennifer Jo
Mavis, I haven't seen it yet—it's in my queue. Did you like it?
Have the movie The Help?
Jennifer Jo
Karen, I really liked the movie. It's goofy and awkward and fun.
The other day my youngest was outside with a flip-flop on one foot and a sandal (not the right one) on the other foot. And it was cold. But then, I let my kids go barefoot in the snow…
Margo and Mama Pea, Thanks for the encouragement!
And Margo, The picture's stats: 50 mm lens, ISO 800, f/1.8, and 1/25 secs. As for books, I've read Digital Photography by Scott Kelby and The Digital SLR Handbook by John Freeman—two books I just randomly picked from the library shelves. (I still don't have a good handle on white balance.)
I love the quotidian posts!
"gloaming" – lovely.
What settings do you use for that pretty kitchen window photo? And hey, recommend me some books for progressing with my photography skills. I'm working on figuring out aperture and f-stops. I know ISO and white balance.
I'm curious. I followed the link for the movie you guys watched and it looks really interesting. Would you recommend it?
2 other thoughts….Those mini peppermint whoopies look amazing! And, I can't help but notice that your daughter is wearing flip flops in the picture of her in the tree. This makes me feel better because my one son unearthed his crocs out of a pile meant to be put away until next summer & started wearing them again.
Mama Pea
Love these posts of yours. You have such talent for composition in your pictures.