Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Lunch: popcorn, apples, and banana splits while watching I Love Lucy shows.
The kids thought they had died and gone to heaven.

Birthday braids.

Boots are so yesterday.


If you have a water balloon toss on the porch when it’s below freezing, watch your step.

Girlfriend brought jam!
(She walked in the door wearing a post-it note. It said “haircut.” So I gave her one.)


Chopping squash for a fundraiser chili.
(He was dismayed I made him do the work for his own fundraiser, silly boy.)

Two things the man loves: granola and books.
This same time, years previous: the chicoj coffee cooperative, leap year baby, air, print, internet, potatoes and onions, red raspberry rhubarb pie, and a birth story.
Ha. I thought that was Mavis!
What is the man reading?
I always like the Quotidian.
Jennifer Jo
Probably one of the dystopian novels that my older children are enamored by.
So much fun to see Mavis in your kitchen. "Boots are so yesterday"…love it! 🙂 Hugs to you! Camille
Those pics of the family reading…that is my dream. Only one kiddo can read yet and she's not quite there for pleasure reading, so it's really just me and my books.