I stuck my head into my daughter’s room. She was lying in bed, bleary-eyed but awake.
“Are you going to bring your radio down so we can listen?” I asked.
“Oh yeah!” she exclaimed, leaping out of bed. “I forgot!”
The buttons stick on the old radio, so I had to jab at them with a blue colored pencil to get to the right station.

Too jittery to sit down and listen with the rest of the family, I walked around the kitchen, dust cloth in hand, swiping at the window sills and picture frames. I avoided their eye contact, too, suddenly overcome with shyness by the too-large sound of my voice. But when the music swelled up under my words, I couldn’t contain the big grin that threatened to split my face. I could totally get used to having back-up music play whenever I talk.
This week’s column was about berry cobbler.
I wrote a letter to Lenore Skenazy and she posted it on her blog!
Some of the comments are quite hilarious (and inspiring). I especially liked it that engineers were dissecting the fort, trying to figure out how they built it.
This same time, years previous: a birth story
Glad you got your letter posted. I love the things your kids are able to do. I think it's awesome. And no one even got hurt. How is that bad? I'm going to listen to your radio gig now.
Ok, I need to come back when I have a minute to read this entire post, but I just wanted to let you know I left you a bloggy award. You can pick it up on The Domestic Fringe. Congrats!
Suburban Correspondent
That's awesome that Lenore posted your letter! You know, my son sprained his ankle just running around during youth group in the church basement. There's no way to keep your kids safe and unbroken, really. And I think that it is better for them to get injured playing outside than to stay whole while playing with a Wii.