Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The Birthday Boy’s lunch: he’s nine!

He loved his gift.
(Though his first choice was a “drone”-copter.)

The math station (for that day, at least).

Streeeetching my brain (and losing): what a great game.

Parallel play.

My long-suffering line runner.

Full house.
This same time, years previous: to read and chai-spiced hot chocolate.
Happy. Happy. Love it all. You know I do. Hugs. 🙂
Our grocery store sells those drones. They're right next to the beer.
mmmm, I want that same lunch! We had one of those copters and it was super-popular for about a month (actually, it's probably under Ben's bed or somewhere yet). WHY can't children sustain interest in the whiz-bang toys they beg for?
Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe
Happy Birthday to your son. Love the picture of him and his helicopter.
Ditto that!