Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Flower fun.

Irony: watching Charlotte hunt down, play with, and and then eat a rabbit.
All while holding a giant pink bunny.

(And angry at me for taking pictures instead of helping.)

Salted caramel ice cream, oh yes!

Giant exhale: the play is over.
This same time, years previous: easy French bread, from market to table, starfruit smoothie, summer visitor, the beach, garlicky spaghetti sauce, around the internets, peach cornmeal cobbler and fresh peach ice cream, drilling for sauce, barley and beans with sausage and red wine, peach tart, and tomato and red wine sauce.
The look on your girl's face must be similar to mine when I think about what Charlotte was actually doing! Okay…is the recipe for that ice cream on your blog?? And…love these posts…you know I do! 🙂
Jennifer Jo
The ice cream recipe is not on my blog … yet. Soon, I hope!
Oh, yes…please? 🙂