Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

My older son ate five sandwiches—FIVE—before calling it quits.
(Our friend gave us these beauts since our maters are still several weeks out.
I’m getting dangerously impatient for them to ripen. As in, I’m
contemplating blowing the budget at the Farmers Market).
contemplating blowing the budget at the Farmers Market).

Under bean siege.

Gonna make me some pickles.

Comparing squats.

Making music (or trying to).
And now. For the pet edition!

Because puppies are exciting!

Puppy prince.

Puppy kisses.

Even Jessica digs the puppy love.

Canine squirt gun.

When Charlotte walks on the scene, they throw themselves under her like it’s a bomb drill.

Privacy, interrupted.
This same time, years previous: we’re back!, rest and play: lizards! volcanoes! giant drinks!, the girl and the tea party, the girl and her friend, the boy and the bike ride, roast corn with lime and feta, classic bran muffins and banana bran muffins, July evening, spicy Indian potatoes, Indian pilaf of rice and split peas, little bits of smile in a cup of sad, and blackberry cobbler.
Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen
Hi! I'm visiting from Suburban Correspondent's blog and have to say that I'm probably going to have to come back AFTER garden season is over because I AM SO JEALOUS of your giant green bean pile. Don't even get me started on those tomatoes either. Looking forward to reading more…and especially more puppies! – Claudia
What do you do with your green beans? That is an impressive pile! Do you have a variety you're loyal to?
Jennifer Jo
This year we planted Romas. I like Tenderettes, too, but I think I prefer the meatiness of the Roma.
We freeze them. Each bag holds about a quart and a half. That pile got me 16 bags. I'm aiming for 100. There are three bushels of beans sitting on the picnic table right now. Wish me luck!
dr perfection
poor Charlotte. she looks totally worn out.
Jennifer Jo
She is. Everyone thinks she's an old dog, but she's only two! She's down to one or two nursings a day, and we're still feeding her an insane amount of food: a daily pound of liver, a couple cans of meat, dry food, TUMS, plus the random rabbits she hunts down.
But! Her feisty personality is coming back! She's starting to frolic with Francie once again. It's lovely to see.
O, that puppy prince!