Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Bouquet from my younger daughter.
(Can you guess what the yellow frondy plant is?)

Sunny kitchen spot(s).

A calculating competition.

Brilliant Mother Move of the Week: unpacking (er, dumping)
an entire garbage bag of Legos on my bedroom floor.

Our very own Mrs. Doubtfire.

Listening and learning: music for the Christmas play.

Cheesy discovery: a new store that sells blocks of Feta for less than five bucks.

Bedtime milk: raw.
The children drink with an enthusiasm that would make Heidi’s grandfather proud.
(The neighbors are teaching my older daughter to milk their sweet Jersey. Exclamation points would not do justice to my daughter’s—or my own—unbridled enthusiasm, so I left them out all together.)

Wednesday night, 7:30.
There is a Christmas Play? Where is it?!?!
Jennifer Jo
Okay, so maybe saying "Christmas play" is a little grandiose… It's a musical that PV church is putting on—they invited any CMC children to participate (grades 1-5, I think). Just some songs, mostly. A bit of dialogue… Nothing earth-shattering, so don't feel too left out! But you should definitely come see it!
Love your "Quotidian" posts! They're the highlight of my mondays.
Suburban Correspondent
Nice to see the Quotidian posts again!
I enjoy your *Quotidian* posts Jennifer. Have a great week! 🙂
Is the yellow "flower" asparagus or dill?
Jennifer Jo
Good job! It's asparagus. I never thought to put it in a bouquet.
Oh, Boy! If you have access to milk that fresh, you should try cheesemaking! You can use cow's milk to make a delicious fresh feta type cheese and it's wonderful and way easier than you'd think. You look so cosy snuggled down in that last picture, I found myself yawning.