Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

One morning, when she woke up and walked out onto the porch.

the supper table

When you give some girls a bunch of peachy rejects…
they take them out to the barn and cut them up for a snack.

I gave my older son and his friend permission to have rest time in the clubhouse,
but apparently they did not stay put.
I caught them as they made their made dash from barn to clubhouse,
stolen goods in hand.

Raw beet salad and grilled cheese: no one liked the salad,
though four of the six kids bravely finished their servings.
One of the friends told my child, “In all the years I’ve eaten here,
this is the first time I haven’t liked something your mom made.”
Which isn’t totally true but pretty close.
The kid is flatteringly enthusiastic about my cooking.
though four of the six kids bravely finished their servings.
One of the friends told my child, “In all the years I’ve eaten here,
this is the first time I haven’t liked something your mom made.”
Which isn’t totally true but pretty close.
The kid is flatteringly enthusiastic about my cooking.

A chocolate beet cake that tasted like soggy, muddy beets.
(This one is much better.)

Music lover.

She bought her own CD player.

Attack of the toys! She was searching for something, she said.

There is no more room in our freezers!
There are more beans in the garden!


Corn Thief
She goes out to the garden, picks an ear, and then comes up on the porch and stands there waiting, tail a-wagging, until someone takes the ear of corn out of her mouth, husks it, and hands it back. And then she trots off to a corner of the porch or a shady spot in the yard and happily eats her snack.

On our way to somewhere.
This same time, years previous: why I am recuperating, Indian-style Corn, dishes at midnight, quick, quick, quick, preparations, hamming up Luke, seasonal regret, quiche
I love the dog thing too! I'm with you on the beans problem except mine is that I can hardly find the time to pick them, let alone process them. It's a good problem to have though, after a total crop failure last year.
Your dog is adorable!! That is a cool trick alright. And yeah, my pigs eat corn the same way!
the domestic fringe
Your packs of green beans look delicious. Glad your garden gave you lots of love this year.
dr perfection
Pets are wonderful.
Check out Nora piano cat. Her owner teaches piano and one day Nora just started playing piano.
Suburban Correspondent
The dog and the corn – adorable!
I'd come down and help you with the beans, but I am determined to escape (with the family) to somewhere less humid this week. Finger Lakes, ho!
Melissa @ thelittlegrayhouse
Where did you purchase the bags your beans are in??? I must have some of those!!
Jennifer Jo
I get them from a bulk foods store up in PA. We buy them in all different sizes—gallon, pint, quart, etc.
Farmers Wife
Take your extra green beans to the Produce Auction at Montezuma. They bring REALLY good $$ by the 1/2 bushel (they sell the boxes you need up there).
LOVE the corn eating pup : )
What is she listening to?
Jennifer Jo
Kids' songs, usually.
Your dog is so sweet with her corn trick! What a smart girl. 🙂 I love that she nibbles on it just like people do. Pigs eat corn the same way, too. I loved watching my sister's pigs eating corn. 🙂