the quotidian (3.30.20)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Perks: when your child takes a job at a CSA

Not our normal fare.

With the leftover potato and onion slices, a fritatta.

Rediscovered: the magic of the seven-minute egg.

She dislikes the texture of nuts in granola so she spent half an hour mincing them into oblivion.

For the love of color.

I must’ve fussed long enough or yelled loud enough because I finally got my door latches.

Weed therapy.
When the neighbors’ wolf pups come to play.

Resident squatter.

He’s actually more of a glamper.

Question: What do you do when you total your car?
Answer: Take the salvaged parts and make….

… a five thousand-dollar GTI stereo system. 

This same time, years previous: Asian slaw, for-real serious, the day we did everything, teff pancakes with blueberries, the quotidian (3.28.16), absorbing the words, the quotidian 3.30.15), our oaf, on being together: it’s different here somehow, Good Friday fun, the boy and the dishes.


  • mommychef

    wow…lucky 2x! Bike accidents and all. I used to look ahead at you with so much envy (my kids are 9 & 11 now) because those baby years are so tough but….yikes! Figuratively peeking through my hands that are now covering my eyes…So glad he's ok (again!)

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