I’m always stumped when people ask me what I do all day, but if they were to ask me today, right now, at ten minutes after two on a balmy Wednesday afternoon, I would have a very detailed answer. So let’s make believe, okay? You ask me, So, what did you do today?
Very good! You did that so well. Now, it’s my turn. I say, Oh, not much, just…
*I got dressed, made my coffee, combed my hair, and put on make-up.
*I made oatmeal for breakfast.
*Read some blogs.
*Ate oatmeal for breakfast.
*I doled out meds.
*Mixed up three batches of sourdough bread.
*Stuffed the kids in the car and sped to town, late for my 8:15 Bible study
*Returned with one extra kid, my one-year-old niece, because I volunteered to watch her for the morning.
*Stopped alongside the road to help the kids pull the back seat upright, and to give The Screaming Sweetsie a nose-to-nose lecture.
*Stopped at the pharmacy to pick up meds.
*Stopped again, before even pulling out of the pharmacy’s parking lot, to get back into Sweetsie’s face so that she could hear me say, very clearly, that if she says she’s hungry one more time, she will not be having anything to eat for the rest of the morning.
*Washed my ratty red fleece—it’s still in the machine.
*Visited for a couple hours with a dear friend (for the curious, we discussed body image, books, and dinosaurs).
*Gave The Baby Nickel and Sweetsie baths since they were covered in mud.
*Divided the bread dough into boules, proofed them, and then put them in the fridge (had to rearrange the fridge’s contents before I could fit all the bread in).
*Fed the kids lunch and ate my lunch.
*Gave my sis-in-law two dozen eggs and her kid.
*Put my kids down for rest time.
*Read my book and dozed a bit.
*Made my coffee and ate two chocolate chip cookies.
*Typed this.
And then I say, So, what did you do today? And you say, Oh, not much, just….
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You Can Call Me Jane
You know I love you, right?