My children regularly send me instagrams and then every few days I tell my husband I have some fun stuff to show him and he’ll plop down on the sofa beside me and pop in an earbud. (Are we the only one who share earbuds on the regular?) It’s a great way to end the day, or the week.
Here are a few of my favorites, collected by my children and curated by me.
“Nobody knew where you were and your phone was off!”
(Version Number Two is the more accurate me.)
I stand by this one hundred percent.
We have firsthand experience with porky pigs like these.
My older daughter says this is what working with my husband is like. (My husband is the one with the hammer.)
Her eyes!
Don’t you DARE eat before supper.
Also from my older daughter. (I get a lot of carpentry clips.)
In my dreams…
Snow is awesome.
Not my moves.
They could’ve at least faced the other direction!
Have a good weekend, friends. xo
This same time, years previous: a food-filled weekend in Brooklyn, ippy, millionaire’s pie, books and movies, in the sweet kitchen, the quotidian (12.1.14), Thanksgiving of 2013, peppermint lip balm.
Janelle Myers-Benner
The water bottle and fan – oh my stomach. I laughed so hard!!!!! And I was swooning of the spa one. If you find anywhere to get such a thing in a reasonable distance from us please let me know!!!!
Irene L Hartrum
I have not laughed so hard in a long time!!