Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

They made me a cake with pigs and cows!

Grape juice with seltzer: best eaten on the deck with fat, crunchy, sourdough pretzels.

An abomination: how my kids eat their mac and cheese.

Back at it.

We kept running out of mayonnaise so I bought a gallon of it.

My bubbling babies: rhubarb-red raspberry, grape, sour cherry.

Dough dump.

It’s wool sock weather: both my soles and my soul are happy.

I found a stick. Will you throw it to me, please?
photo credit: my younger son
This same time, years previous: sunflowers, the quotidian (10.2.18), a different angle, the soirée of 2014, a lesson I’d rather skip, the quotidian (10.1.12), because reading books is dangerous, Sunday cozy.
One Comment
What have they done to the mac n cheese? Looks terrible! All I do is mix a little mayo in mine, and I can go through a gallon of the stuff in record time, especially in tomato season!