Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The kid eats everything.

Kitchen games.

Rapid-thaw hack: water + pump + tub.

This year, he made all the Christmas cookies.

To her Magpie Secret Santa (whose identity remains a mystery): she loves it!

Christmas Eve at my brother’s place: the main course, spearheaded by my other sister-in-law,
was fish and homemade chips (fries).

Once again, the head makes an appearance.


His favored crash-landing site.

When I send them a blog post to approve, and they do.

My childhood home, 1985-1987: Leadmine, West Virginia.
This same time, years previous: my new kitchen: the computer corner, Lebanese dried lemon tea, high-stakes hiking, Christmas cheese, 5-grain porridge with apples, constant motion, cranberry crumble bars.
DB Stewart
Your family life looks warm and welcoming, and the head (and the story behind it) is hilarious & haunting, haha.
that head!!!! creeps me out every time!
Becky R.
Yeah, my stepson ate Milk Bones out of curiosity. His verdict, “taste pretty good, just a little greasy”. It was not a recommendation I followed up on – LOL! However, I have been buying some pork “slim jims” that are human grade that are sold as treats to share with your dog. They taste pretty darn good. Nicely spiced, but they belong to the dog.
What I wouldn’t do for a wood stove every winter. I love to stand and toast.
That picture of you childhood home looks like a Burl and Ives print. Lovely!
That last picture–ah, such a treasure!