the quotidian (10.18.21)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The new vacuum sealer arrived.

Another Wednesday, another lunch for the CCU.

I went to The Pie Chest to stage and, instead of working, ended up visiting with the owner, aka my new best bud, for hours, and then she sent me home with lots of treats.

When work leftovers include pulled pork and pastry dough, pot pies are what’s for supper.

Not in the dish pit anymore.

Thumb wrestling at small group. She won.

Just a dog, casually lounging with one elbow on the door sill.

We’ve got t-shirts!

This same time, years previous: three things, kitchen notes, practical and beautiful, the quotidian (10.17.16), the adjustment, grab and go: help wanted, that thing we do, pepperoni rolls.


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